Hey there. Hope everyone had a good weekend and good week thusfar. I think I did, but it seems to be a blur right now. Oh…wait..it’s coming back. On Saturday, I had to deal with the little one while Steve took Morgan to her Basketball tournament. They actually came in second (the only team they lost to seems to be a band of gorillas—I’m not kidding…these girls were totally unsportsmanlike, but not necessarily hairy…) and they got trophies. I was proud of the 9 year old. She did great. Adam sort of drove me nuts on Saturday, but I guess that’s par for the course.
Adam turned 3 on Monday. I am still wondering how the HECK that happened. Time really flew. Tuesday morning, however, he denounced the fact that he was three and asked me for more presents this morning. Nice right? Geezzzzz…..It got better. Tuesday night I had a meeting, so Steve took the kids out to dinner at CiCi’s and then to Yogurt Story for some dessert. Both kids really enjoyed themselves, and ate well. Adam, however, decided that he was not ready to come home. He wanted to go to Target, Kroger, WalMart, anywhere other than home. Steve said that he screamed himself into oblivion the whole way home, and continued on after they got back into the house. He had himself in such a tizzy that he made himself physically SICK. After that display, and a bath, somehow, all was right with the world again and he went to sleep—without so much as a PEEP out of him until the next morning. I can only imagine what a treat I am in for this year. I thought the terrible 2’s were over at 2!!!! I am not sure I can take another year of this stuff. Can you legally list kids on Craig’s List or eBay?
I am beginning to think that I don’t have a crisis of mojo, but rather SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)….with all the snow and gray days we’ve been having? It wouldn’t surprise me. I can’t stand the fact that I can’t seem to find my smile! It’s gotta be around here somewhere. Maybe once the sun starts shining again, things will get better. Or…maybe it’s not SAD, but the fact that I have a lot going on and am a bit overwhelmed? We took a 7 Habits course a couple of years back through work, and as part of that we had to define our roles. I have quite a few roles lately:

Maybe I need to take a step back, and assess the situation. Is there too much going on? Not that I have ADD or anything…but maybe it’s just too much. Does stress have anything to do with my mojo crisis???? I will have to think about that one. Not having time was one of the things that got me in trouble a long time ago. Putting myself back on the list helped, but now I am on a BUNCH of lists. I need to breathe. Maybe I’ll step back and things will calm down a bit.
I was down another .8 this week, which was sort of a surprise, but again, I’ll take it! In addition, Steve took my measurements again, and I lost another ½ inch off my waist and another ¼ off my hips. All other measures were pretty much the same. This brings my hip/waist total to 22 ½ inches lost. This accounts for over half of the inches shed since August of 2008. My waist to hip ratio, which is another risk factor, is .76. Research shows that people with "apple-shaped" bodies (with more weight around the waist) face more health risks than those with "pear-shaped" bodies who carry more weight around the hips.
The subject of this week’s meeting was making over your weight loss environment. It’s sort of a way to set yourself up for success. Look at your pantry and refrigerator. If there are any foods in there that cause issues for you, do something about it. Some suggestions in class were to move it to the back of the pantry or move to a different refrigerator if you have one. You can also do a bit of spring cleaning and pitch the items that work against you.
I also have a ton of good filling foods in my pantry. I have been told by many that I have the BEST pantry going. I have things like:

R U Ready for Success?
Recognize what’s unhelpful
Remove triggers
Replace and Restock
Rearrange your kitchen/tools
My closing quote this week actually came to me this morning. Literally! When I signed onto Outlook this morning, this quote came up on my Plan Plus dashboard. I liked it, and thought it was appropriate!
"Experience is a good teacher,
but she sends in terrific bills.”
-Minna Antrim
Yummy Cobbler-Like Dessert
This was posted in the meeting room on Monday, and got me intrigued. Going to try it and let you know how it turns out!
Servings: 12
16 oz frozen berries, your choice
1 box angel food cake mix
12 oz diet lemon-lime soda
· Spread berries across a 13 x 9 pan sprayed with Pam.
· Sprinkle cake mix over top and pour soda over all.
· Gently drag a spoon across to make sure all is wet.
· Bake 40 – 45 minutes in a 350 degree oven.
Diet Soda Chicken
Here is another that was posted in a meeting room. Again, lots of uses for diet soda…other than drinking it!!!
POINTS® Value: 4
Servings: 4
Preparation Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 30 min
Level of Difficulty: Easy
1 lb. chicken breast, cut into bites
1 cup ketchup
1 can diet soda (I heard cola or orange work best…)
1 package onion soup mix (optional)
Put all in pot, stir, bringing to boil. Reduce heat, simmer for 30 minutes or until sauce thickens and chicken is cooked through.
Brown Rice Fried Rice
This recipe came to me on the fly when trying to find a nice quick use for some leftover brown rice and veggies that were in the refrigerator this week
POINTS® Value: 3
Servings: 2
Preparation Time: 5 min
Cooking Time: 15 min (give or take)
Level of Difficulty: unbelievably easy!
| |
| 1/2 cup(s) cooked brown rice |
| 1/3 cup(s) scallion(s) |
| 1 cup(s) mushroom(s) |
| 1 oz Boar's Head 42% Lower Sodium Ham, chopped |
| 1/2 cup(s) Egg Beaters |
| 1 tsp olive oil |
| |
In a 12” skillet or sauté pan, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Add brown rice, scallions, and mushrooms. Cook until mushrooms are soft and rice is heated through. Add chopped ham and egg beaters to the pan.
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